
"Ha hiszel benne, hogy megérdemled, az élet megadja neked." (Pain and Gain c. film)
Horváth Brigi vagyok, köszöntelek honlapomon! 2014. óta foglalkozom sportolókkal egyéni és csapatszinten, az agykontrollt pedig 2008. óta tanítom különböző korú gyermekeknek. Legfontosabb célom, hogy sok gyerek kezében legyen eszköz a saját sorsa javításához, álmai megteremtéséhez, valamint, hogy Magyarországon még több kiemelkedő sportoló bontakozzon ki és valósíthassa meg önmagát.

A sportolókkal foglalkozom egyénileg és csoportosan is, a magyar mellett angol nyelven is. Saját tapasztalataimat beépítve tudom az általam kidolgozott mentális tréningen segíteni a teljesítményed növelését, magabiztosságod erősítését, céljaid hatékony kitűzését és mielőbbi elérését.
Tapasztalatom szerint akkor tudunk hatékonyan együtt dolgozni, ha szembe tudsz nézni önmagaddal és elkötelezett vagy a fejlődés iránt. Ha szeretnél még nagyobb teljesítményt elérni, túllépni a korlátaidon, fejleszteni a kommunikációdat vagy pedig a rehabilitációdban keresel támpontokat.
A tréningen többféle módszerből választhatsz. Saját módszerem kidolgozása mellett tanultam NLP-t, a Spencer Institute Sport Hypnosis, Sport Psychology Coach, az International Mental Game Association és az USSA Sport Academy képzésein. 2020. januárjában vizsgáztam a Barca Universitas képzésén: Certificate in Sports Psychology In Athletes Development, 2022-ben pedig az MPM hivatalos mentális trénere is lettem. Az IMCGA vezetője, Bill Cole által írt összegzés az oklevelek alatt található, vagy ezen a linken.

Sok sikert kívánok!
Horváth Brigi
Gyermekagykontroll-oktató/Silva-Mind Method Instructor for Children
Képesített Mentális Tréner/Certified Mental Game Instructor
Sportmentor/ Certified Sport Psychology Coach and Sports Hypnotist,
MPM mentális tréner/ MPM Certified Coach

News Release: August 28, 2017 - Silicon Valley, California
The International Mental Game Coaching Association Announces Brigitta Horvath Is A New Level I Certified Coach.
Brigitta Horvath, based in Veszprem, Hungary, has earned the Level I Certification from the International Mental Game Coaching Association training program. Brigitta was awarded the title of Certified Mental Game Instructor (CMGI).
Bill Cole, MS, MA, Founder and President of IMGCA stated,
"It was a real pleasure for me to meet and train Brigitta. She is a warm, delightful person, and she was a dedicated and enthusiastic student. Brigitta came to IMGCA training with an already strong background in mental training. She has had her own mental coaching business for some time, with many client successes, in many sports. Because Brigitta was so experienced, we could really make fast progress, and dive deeply into each aspect of the mental game. Not only is Brigitta very intelligent, but she has a big heart and really cares about her clients. She combines her love of her students with her passion for learning about the mental game, sports, learning and performance, and has created her own special brand of teaching and coaching mental skills. In fact, Brigitta is a graduate of The Silva Mind Control method. Back in the late 70's I took the Silva Method course and really enjoyed it. It was good to hear more about how it has evolved to today. Brigitta combines the Silva Method with her own eclectic approach to mental game coaching. She attended the University of Jannus Pannonius PhD Program for three years, and may go back to complete that degree. For now, Brigitta is dedicated to her students and in helping them achieve their full potential in any field, whether it is sports, business, or life. Brigitta is very passionate about helping people.
Brigitta's final project for Level I was to create a mental training program structure which she could use in multiple ways: as a marketing tool, as a checklist for students, and as a planning tool for herself for client sessions. This structural tool was extremely details and very well done. This was one of the best final projects we've had at Level I.
I can see Brigitta developing into the best mental game coach in Hungary, and eventually, being one of the top mental game coaches in Europe. She has the intellect, interest and energy to continue her study and training and to achieve anything she puts her mind to. Brigitta has indicated that she would like to continue through all four levels of certification in IMGCA. I welcome that, and know that she will do an outstanding job."
In Hungary the mental game coaching field has just started to bloom so Brigitta thought it would be a great time to be certified as an IMGCA instructor and help athletes be mentally prepared.
She is a teacher by profession and from 2008 she has been a Silva Mind Control Instructor. As Brigitta says, "It makes me absolutely happy every day when I get success messages from my athletes about their performance and motivation."
Brigitta is a fine athlete. She has played many different sports in her life such as basketball, handball, canoeing, climbing, dancing, football, and recently, she is into running. She has run several trails and half-marathons and two marathons so far.
Brigitta graduated in 1999 from the University of Pannonia (formerly the University of Veszprém) and after that she attended the University of Jannus Pannonius in a PhD Program for three years but she has not yet completed her doctorate. She also works as a sign language interpreter.
To read more, please visit Bill's website: